From: Michael Cheney
Location: Scotland, United Kingdom
Dear Friend, It was late one October night and I was hunched over the computer in my home office surrounded by crunched up balls of paper discarded around the floor...
I Was Frustrated, Jealous And Angry At The People
Making Easy Money From Facebook And I Thought I'd
Tried Everything To Get It To Work...
I knew that all the people I was seeing on Facebook promoting the same things day after day, week after week making good profits - so what was I missing and what did they know that I didn't?
So I locked away for a year and half and devoured every piece of Facebook marketing knowledge know to man - blog posts, training programs, seminars, CDs, reports, videos, members' area - you name it.
I was living, breathing and eating Facebook marketing with every waking hour of my life...
I Knew There Had To Be A Way To Legally "Game"
The Facebook System And Make Money Quickly...
A way to generate substantial income without giving into Facebook's blackmail attempts to get you to pay money and advertise.
After all, Facebook were just trying to force me to spend money advertising with them so they could keep their investors happy! They could have cared less about me and my business!
The very moment you get on Facebook the first thing they try and get you to do is to dip into your wallet and give them money for ads!
Screw that!
"There has to be a better way", I thought.
Well, for the longest time it looked like all the naysayers were right - I hit stumbling block after stumbling block and had conducted 1016 separate tests to try and crack the Facebook nut until finally...
After 18 Months Holed Up In My Facebook Learning Cave I Emerged Exhausted But Victorious...
The pieces finally fell into place...
And like all great discoveries mine was simple a one.
So simple in fact that at first, I thought I must have missed something.
Everything fused together in my mind in true Eureka! style moment and it HIT me there and then;
I Conducted The Weird "Facebook Money" Experiment
And Here Are The Results...
Version 1
$21,440 IN SALES
Version 2
$175,210 IN SALES
As you can see - in Version 1 I got 616 Engagements and $21,440 in Sales.
Not bad.
In Version 2 (with the same-sized audience) I got 1051 Engagements and then something truly shocking happened...
$175,120 Flooded Into My Bank Account
from Facebook...
Now that's what you call a RESULT. 😉
So here's what I did in Version 2...
- I used "the Fan Page Money Method" to tweak my fan page (I show you how to do it inside the Report)
- I reached masses more people
- I got the money - $175,120 to be exact.
But what surprises me most about all this is that...
Nobody Else Is Teaching You This Stuff...
Very few people have been heard of this Fan Page Money Method.
Only a small and elite group of people have learned this secret.
I know it.
My clients know it.
And a few other cutting-edge Facebook "Jedis" out there also know it.
And today you can add your name to that list because...
YES! You're Finally Going To Make Money With Facebook
Because With The Fan Page Money Method
You Are Going To Discover;

- How To Avoid The Deadly "Frankenstein Factor "That Kills 99.9% Of Facebook Marketers
- How To Laser-Target The Rich And Wealthy Buyers On Facebook With Pinpoint Accuracy
- How To Tap Into "The Hidden Goldmine" Of Easy Facebook Profits Using A Secret Facebook Tool
- The Little-Known Tactic That Will Make You 212% More Sales
- The Weird Little Profit-Hack That Gets You Lots More Buyers Every Time
- How To Unleash A "Money-Cloning Machine" That Duplicates Your Profits Without Duplicating Your Effort
- The Secret Free Software The Pros Use To Crush It With Facebook
- The Fool-Proof Formula For Creating Fast-Cash Facebook Funnels
- How To Make Money On Demand Using Special Automation Tools
- How To Beat The Facebook Reach System And Get Your Messages In Front Of All Your Fans, All The Time
- The Secret To Getting 40% Optin Rates And HIGHER Directly On Facebook
- How To Attract Wealthy Fans To Your Fanpage Using This Little-Known Secret Of The Pros
- The Closely-Guarded Secret The "Facebook Mafia" Use To Get Hundreds Of Leads A Day From Facebook
- How To Get Lots More Reach, Likes And Sales WITHOUT Breaking The Bank (You Never Need To Pay For Another Like Again)
- My Patented And Proven "Posting For Profits" Blueprint That Gets You More Money From Every Post You Make
- How To Get More Money, More Likes, More Fans And More Sales From Facebook
- And LOTS, lots more...
Once You Unlock The Secret To Making Money
With Facebook Everything Becomes Possible...

Once I discovered the easy way to make money from Facebook I could finally start enjoying multiple vacations per year and spend more time with my family - the whole reason I started my business in the first place!
Yes! Unlocking The Fan Page Money Method
Means You Are Now Finally...
- Making Money With Facebook And Being Richly-Rewarded For Making Simple Posts
- Experiencing Instant And Large-Scale Profits From Simple Marketing Campaigns That Take Minimal Effort
- Smiling All The Way To The Bank As Your Facebook Posts Are Getting You Likes AND Money
- Laughing At Your Competitors As You Finally Crack The "Facebook Code" And Are Making Consistent Meaty Pay Days Time After Time
- Growing Your Sales Quickly And Easily As You See The Compounding Effect Of Profitable Posts Stacked One On Top Of Another
If The Fan Page Money Method Is So Powerful
Why Am I Revealing It To You Inside This
Breakthrough Report?
There are two reasons:-
Reason #1
Because you need to realize that the Facebook marketing arena is supremely vast. Billions are being made every year and we're not even properly started yet. You can do exactly what I do and start helping yourself to a generously-sized piece of this "multi-billion dollar cake" and it won't even make the tiniest dent in the available cash or my profits.
Reason #2
Because you might have noticed by now that I love helping people. It's how I got to where I am. And once you have a few million kicking around money takes somewhat of a backseat and seeing the success stories of people you've helped gives you an even bigger buzz. Just trust me on this - I am WITH YOU on this journey and want nothing more than to get that email from you saying you've bought that house in the sun, you've paid off your mortgage or you've just finished saving for your kids' college fund because of finally discovering how to make money on Facebook.
3 Powerful Reasons That Make "The Fan Page Money Method" Different To Everything Else...
- It works (always important!). Feel free to get your money back if you are the first person on the planet this doesn't work for
- It's based on a battle-tested, proven strategy learned through trial and error on the Facebook battlefield. Not some regurgitated crap spouted by some wannabe who hasn't spent two cents on Facebook (never mind $200,000).
- It's fast. You can be up and running with this TODAY and get money and sales coming in within the next 24 hours. Seriously. You're getting the copy-and-paste code to get started with this and it just takes 7 minutes to set up!
PROOF That You Will Make More Money
With This Method...
"I Made $1600 In One Weekend
Thanks To The Powerful Strategies I Learned"

Adreas Spyrou
Hey Michael!
This is Andreas Spyrou from Cyprus, I just wanted to tell you a BIG THANK YOU!!!
Yesterday I was in the Social Media Business Seminar in Cyprus and we had a traffic challenge. The person who would send the most traffic to an affiliate product could win $1600. Between 50 individuals that attended the internet seminar, guess who DOMINATED it? 🙂
It was using different methods but also Facebook to send traffic to different affiliate websites and Facebook pages in the past doing OK. I didn't know though how much traffic could the other individuals in seminar send, so I should do anything possible to finish first.
Well thanks to the Fan Page Money Method powerful strategies I learned, I've successfully managed to WIN THE COMPETITION! It was amazing feeling! In the end of the event I had suddenly 20 people congratulating me and asking me how I did that! Thanks again.
"Rare Opportunity
To Make Money Easy And Fast"
Michael Cheney has done it again.
The fan page money method employs the latest strategies and ideas to make you lots of money.
Take advantage of this rare opportunity to make money with FB fan pages easy and fast.

Joel Helfer
Chicago, Usa
"I Was A Newbie - Now Making Money Like A Pro.
Love It!"

Mike Armstrong
Oklahoma, Usa
Hi Michael, as a newbie to internet marketing I am so excited about Fan Page Money Method.
This program is so easy and profitable.
Before Fan Page Money Method I had only made a few dollars with internet marketing, but after I started using Fan Page Money Method and the money I'm making, I feel like an old pro.
Two thumbs up on your new program.
Thank you. Love It!!!
"Worth The Price Just To Learn The Hidden Gems -
It Will Help All Business Owners"
The fan page money method has lots of helpful information on how to successfully create an engaging & money making fan page for your business or product on Facebook, the programme also holds your hand through the setting up of every other possible marketing tool you will need to turn your browsing customers into paying clients.
Michael even shares with you the exact programme & software he uses within his business, with easy to follow links so you can add the same weapons of choice to your business arsenal.
The lessons that Michael will teach you with the fan page money method, it's worth the price just to learn about the hidden gems, that you would probably never find or work out how to use to your business best advantage.
I strongly believe that any training course that I purchase is worth the price paid if I can learn & take away from it one piece of information that will help put mine or my clients businesses one step ahead of the competition, the fan page money programme does this over & over again throughout the different sections, I personally think this programme will help all business or product owners from newbie just setting up to seasoned pros, everyone will get something from this training.
If you don't buy it & put the knowledge learnt into action within your business I 'm sure your competitors will!!!
Can your business afford you to take that risk?

James Ford
Darlington, Uk
"Absolutely Phenomenal. Blows Other Guides
Out Of The Water!"

Paul Langham
Brussels, Belgium
I've known Michael actually since 2004 when he launched the now famous method of displaying your Adsense ads. And with this product I actually managed to increase my ROI by about 300%.
Since then, I've actually been watching Michael slowly build himself up to probably one of the best internet marketers on the planet and he's now launched a Facebook product called the Fanpage Money Method.
In typical Michael Cheney style, there are actually 3 steps to the method but the detail in each of those steps is absolutely phenomenal. I have actually studied some of the other fanpage guides which are on the market and this simply blows them out of the water.
The detail is there...has very well structured documents and if you are interested in fanpages and how they work and increasing the number of people which you can get to look at your own content on Facebook or onto your own website... then please do take a look at this product - I highly recommend it.
Thanks very much Michael Cheney and Good luck!
"Remarkable Training!
Will Help Market Our Feature Film"
As an independent film maker, that has Produced and Directed the feature film, Witch of the Fall I used to think making films was the hard part... I have come to realize that unless the film has a multi-million dollar marketing budget, making the film is the easy part.
It's internet marketing the film that is the hard part!
Thankfully Michael Cheney is out there doing his part helping marketers in all sorts of business get the marketing job done. We are incorporating his Facebook Fan Page Money Method into our soon to be re-released and updated website! Before Michael taught us this method there was no Facebook fan page plan!
Thank You for the remarkable training!

Kevin Herrington
Toronto, Ontario
"Killer New Step-By-Step Methods - The Best Training
I've Seen To Make Money On Facebook"

Nigel Jeal
Lancaster, Uk
The Fan Page Money Method really opened my eyes to building my Facebook funnel, creating killer ads on Facebook and re-targeting a custom audience.
This step-by-step training has taught me some killer new methods that will change the course of my future. It truly is the BEST training I've seen to make money on Facebook. I strongly recommend that if you're still sat on the fence about this, it may actually be the last training that you have to get in order for you to become successful and get the results you want.
Plus you can grab this at an amazingly low price.
"Immediate Impact.
More Clicks, More Subscribers, More Results"
I purchased (yes, paid for) Michael Cheney's course on Facebook Marketing and saw an immediate impact on the number of clicks I received on my Facebook ads.
This is because I applied Mike's suggestions on how to create an ad that gets results, as well as "copying" his templates and "winners" from his own extensive testing...and it worked. I had more clicks on my ads and more subscribers sign up to my list.
The course saved me a ton of time and testing as it showed me step by step what to do and where to focus my attention so I could get faster, and more focused results.

Harry Harris
Sligo, Ireland
"He Rocks It!
Gives You His Own Examples To Follow"

Gordon Bryan
As the writer of "FB Passion Profits", I was curious to see how Michael would cover using Facebook Fan Pages.
I've read the report, and he rocks it!
Michael's "Fan Page Money Method" goes into the technical details, and basically gives you his own examples to follow.
I think it's a great way to compliment what I cover about using your passions, and it's well worth a read.
"If You Want To Put Money In Your Bank Account
You Must Buy This"
If you want to know where to look for the money on Facebook (and put it in your bank account) then you MUST buy Michael Cheney's Fan Page Money Method.
You'll not get information this good at this unbelievably low price Anywhere else.
Michael Cheney has over delivered again!

Michael Williams
Peterborough, Uk
"Leads You To Where The Money Is
Step By Step"

John Petroccia
Orlando, Fl
Want to find out where the money is on Facebook. Well this method will lead you there and find out how to get it.
You will learn to create and activate your marketing funnel to the next level. Step by step help to get you there. Michael Cheney has made millions online since 1996.
Whatever level you are at he will get you to where you want to be. So check this money making method out.
The Fan Page Money Method. Take action now, don't get left behind.
"The BEST Way To Start
Making Money On Facebook"
This covers what Michael states is 'the BEST way to start making money on Facebook' and after reading through it few times, I have to agree.
Michael shows you exactly how you can leverage Facebook to find people with money burning holes in their pockets that you can help them spend, we're talking taking the guess work out of who has the cash to spend, meaning all you have to do is give them something to buy!
It doesn't stop there though, how cool would it be to be able to target people JUST LIKE the ones you KNOW have disposable spending money? Well once you have a bit of an audience set up you will then learn exactly how to multiply your customer base with almost no effort on your part at all.

Alex Copeland
Cheltenham, Uk
Easy To Follow, Has Helped Me So Much"

Jane Oliver
South Shields, Uk
I am classed as a newbie, and this product is awesome!
The helpful information in the report is the best I've come across and so easy to follow and implement.
I will be recommending to my followers. And with the bonus videos in the members area are so easy to follow too.
This is really great product and has helped me so much in my business.
Thank you Michael.
"Truly ROCKS!
I Already Have A Ton Of Leads I Can Market To"
Hey guys, Sergio Felix here with a quick testimonial for the Fan Page Money Method - this training truly ROCKS.
You keep hearing about BIG ROI using Facebook Ads and other techniques but I never did any of this myself because I thought it was rocket science!
After going through this training from Michael Cheney I can't believe how simple it was... - Well, that is until a REAL Facebook Marketing PRO teaches you HOW to actually do it.
This training will teach you all of this and much, much more! I already have a ton of leads that I can start marketing to and I had no idea I could do any of this without breaking the bank first.
Thank you for putting this concise training together Michael, can't wait to start implementing these very cool strategies that I didn't even know existed!

Sergio Felix
"No-Fluff And Powerful! Shows You Step-By-Step
How To Set Up Your Page And Make Money"

Dean James
Michael Cheney's no-fluff report shows you step-by-step how to set up your own profitable Facebook fan page from scratch and make money by targeting the RIGHT people that have money to spend.
What make this report especially powerful is that it shows you how to build a valuable highly-targeted list that's 100% yours at the SAME time as you're making money with Facebook.
"Offers New Insights
Which Are Overlooked By The Majority"
Most of my social media consulting clients use nowadays FB Ads to generate fresh leads and prospects for their businesses.
Michael's guide offers new insights over features which are overlooked by the majority of the buyers of advertising through FB.

Adrian Niculescu
"My Business Is Growing
From What I Have Learned"

Mark Nelson
Tennessee, Us
I have been working with a coach on how to improve Facebook ads.
I learned more from Michael Cheney than I have from my coach I am spending way too much money with.
Michael shares his knowledge from actual experience.
He is very easy to follow and understand.
My business is growing from what I have learned from Michael.
"Hands Down
The BEST Way To Earn Money With Facebook"
As soon as I see a product with the name Michael Cheney behind it, I will jump on it without hesitation. You see Michael has not only been in the internet marketing arena since 1993, but he has probably one of the MOST recognised names in the industry and is also one of the most respected. Ok so I have got access to Michael's latest product Fan Page Money Method, and hands down if you want the BEST way to earn money with Facebook then this is it. Oh and it has the name Michael Cheney behind it.
He is teaching a VERY solid method, there is NO fluff in the report its just 36 pages of pure value in my opinion, He is also very approachable, so any questions you may have I'm sure he will accommodate.

Marcus Passey
Kent, Uk
"Learned More In An Hour Than I Had In A Year.
Even A Beginner Can Take Action Right Away."

Howard Dabrawsky II
West Virginia, Us
I have learned more about marketing on Facebook in less than an hour with Michael's FPMM than I had learned so far this year.
The FPMM explains the process very clearly, even a beginner can take action right away and put the information to use!
Michael's products have always been top notch in my opinion.
"Everything You Need To Know
To Go From Scratch To Profits"
As a fellow marketer who's into Facebook Ads for last 4 years, I can just say that this is THE Facebook Training any marketer or business owner should get. During last year, I've promoted few Facebook courses that were more than decent, even considered making my own detailed course, but now I can cross this task from my to do list because Michael's thorough and detailed approach has covered everything one needs to know about Facebook from scratch to profits.
You'll learn about buyers behavior, precise targeting, re-targeting non buyers, which traps to avoid, how to create and setup the whole Fan Page Money Funnel (step-by-step), create attention grabbing ads and much much more. There are even additional templates and free value packed videos just waiting for you. If you are a business owner trying to promote your brand and sell products online - this is the course for you.
If you are an internet marketer who wants to dive into the world of Facebook marketing and actually learn how to do it the right way - this is the course for you.
Even if you are a seasoned internet marketer, my advice is - promote this course to your audience and they'll love you for it. I know for sure that I'm going to...

Phil Wess
Zagreb, Croatia
PLUS Grab The Fan Page Money Method Today
And You Get All These Killer Bonuses Totally For FREE...

The Money Finder Method
I've just recorded this NEW video for you that takes you right to the money.
You'll Discover:
- The best way to reach people with money on Facebook
- The 7-second strategy for pinpointing profitable prospects
- The little-known targeting methods that generate upto 341% more ROI for all your campaigns
- And much, much more!

The Tab Traffic Tweak
You're getting LOTS more traffic to your Facebook Page with this secret “stealth traffic” method that goes under the radar but gets you over the top results.
You'll Discover:
- How to drive masses of traffic DIRECTLY to your Optin Form on Facebook
- The newbie-friendly way to get tons more Likes, more Leads and more Sales without the hassle
- The sure-fire shortcut to quickly building an army of raving fans and red hot buyers
- And much, much more!

Killer Copy Cheat Sheet
Shortcut your way to sure-fire sales success with this kick-ass collection of proven sales-getting copy.
You'll Discover:
- How to quickly make more sales and more money using my personal collection of killer copy that converts like crazy
- The simple secret to becoming an instant copywriting master by copying these ready to use phrases for your ads, landing pages and emails
- The easy way to save time and money by tapping into my 15 years of copywriting experience
7 Sure-Fire Signs That You Need
The Fan Page Money Method
- You're sick of not making any money with Facebook
- You want a piece of the Facebook Gold Rush like everyone else!
- You've got Friends on Facebook and maybe some Fans but you haven't made any money yet
- You want to unlock the Facebook money secrets that are being kept from you
- You want an expert to guide you, step-by-step, directly to the Facebook profits
- You've put a lot of time and effort into growing your Facebook profile and you finally want to see some SALES COMING IN
- You're busy and want to minimize learning so you can maximize earning
By now, you probably just want to get your hands on the Report and start making the money.
Congratulations - that's a smart move you've just made. Not least because you are totally covered with...

Your Double-Your-Money
200% Guarantee
Want Your Money Back? No Problem!
Get the report, read it, digest it, devour it and if you’re not 100% convinced that it’s the best $9.95 you’ve ever spent just let me know and I’ll refund your entire $9.95 right there and then.
No questions asked.
Want Double Your Money Back? No Problem!
If you put in a good honest effort to apply the Fan Page Money Method I show you in the report and you don’t experience a dramatic growth in your sales I will personally give you DOUBLE your money back!
That's right - I will give you a complete refund, let you keep the report and also give you an extra $9.95 on top of all that to compensate you for your time.
That's how confident I am that this will work for you.
Nobody has ever taken me up on this as you can imagine!
Why would they? This works - it's like paint by numbers!
Yes, I Want To Make Money With Facebook!
- YES! Please give me immediate access to "The Fan Page Money Method" for the one-time, low investment of just $9.95.
- Yes! I understand I am short-cutting thousands of hours of painstaking research, trial and error by getting my hands on this battle-tested and proved method of making money with Facebook!
- Yes! I understand that you're giving me the complete PDF Report written in an easy to copy and deploy, step-by-step, format!
- Yes! I want immediate access to this groundbreaking information right away so I can start applying it today and make money with Facebook!
- Yes! I understand that you will also be giving me access to your legendary team of Facebook super-nerds on standby to help me make money fast! (And I also get some live training from Michael too!)
There is no risk whatsoever and I should grab this Report RIGHT NOW for just the same, ONE-TIME, ONE-OFF investment of just $9.95.
I have a FULL 30 Days Double-My-Money-Back guarantee, and no one is allowed to ask me anything or try to pitch me something else if I decide to ask for my money back.

Very Limited Time Offer:
Just $97 $9.95
Get Access Now:
All payments are received by Seniority.co.uk Ltd - Michael Cheney's holding company.
So Why Only $9.95?
For THREE reasons...
Firstly, because I want to show you that when you apply what I teach you will make you money. Lots of money. So I'm putting my product where my mouth is and giving it to you for a nominal fee
And let's face it - if you're not serious enough about your business to go down the back of the couch and rustle up $9.95 then there's nothing I, or anyone else, can do to help you! And you should know that I WILL be increasing the price of this Report very soon because it's worth at least $997 because of the breakthrough results students are getting with it.
Secondly, because I want to level the playing field on getting top of the line Facebook training. When I was starting out and struggling to make that first dollar (never mind $175,120 in a few days) all I could find were people charging the earth for their tips. You are getting some of my innermost Facebook money secrets for pennies on the dollar here.
Thirdly, because I hope that one you have seen the product you will become a raving ran and want to buy more of my stuff. And no - I'm not gonna give this Report away for free. You see, I've taught tens of thousands of students since 1999 and one thing I've learned is that you're not financially invested in something then you won't apply it.
Now it your time.
By now you know you want this so don't let the price of a coffee and muffin stand in the way of you and being able to finally make money from Facebook.
So I'll see in you a moment INSIDE the Report, I can't wait to share this stuff with you. You're gonna love it.
Here's to you making money with Facebook today!
Michael Cheney
P.S. When I started out trying to make money on Facebook there wasn't anything like this Report to help me out...
So I spent many thousands of hours, many thousands of dollars and many sleepless nights and worrisome days trying to find out what worked (and what didn't)...
It was a desperate time with much trial and error, confusion and frustration.
But you have a choice - you can try and do all this on your own and make tons of expensive and time-consuming mistakes, OR...
You can get this simple Report right now and immediately have the answers at your fingertips that will help you finally breakthrough and make money with Facebook.
Sales-Multiplying Strategies
Boost your sales overnight by copying the same roadmap we used to grow our sales by 817%

Customer Support
Breakthrough fast with the help of our Facebook super-nerds who are on standby to help you

Beginner To Advanced AT Warp Speed
Accelerate your profits
to the next level
no matter
what your experience

Proven Pioneering Process
Make speedy profits using a proven process that took 73 experts and 192 hours research to develop

Results Fast
Make money fast by following the simple, step-by-step system that takes you directly to the profits

Explode your business by applying what you lean in this report or
DOUBLE your money back!

Yes, I Want To Make Money With Facebook!
- YES! Please give me immediate access to "The Fan Page Money Method" for the one-time, low investment of just $9.95.
- Yes! I understand I am short-cutting thousands of hours of painstaking research, trial and error by getting my hands on this battle-tested and proved method of making money with Facebook!
- Yes! I understand that you're giving me the complete PDF Report written in an easy to copy and deploy, step-by-step, format!
- Yes! I want immediate access to this groundbreaking information right away so I can start applying it today and make money with Facebook!
- Yes! I understand that you will also be giving me access to your legendary team of Facebook super-nerds on standby to help me make money fast! (And I also get some live training from Michael too!)
There is no risk whatsoever and I should grab this Report RIGHT NOW for just the same, ONE-TIME, ONE-OFF investment of just $9.95.
I have a FULL 30 Days Double-My-Money-Back guarantee, and no one is allowed to ask me anything or try to pitch me something else if I decide to ask for my money back.

Very Limited Time Offer:
Just $97 $9.95
Get Access Now:
All payments are received by Seniority.co.uk Ltd - Michael Cheney's holding company.